You are welcome as a member. Fulfill your duties as a Muslim to Allah, your family (ies), neigbhours and Society at large. And never forget to Pay your Dues and Zakat.
You are Welcome back. Fulfill your duties as a Muslim to Allah, your family (ies), neigbhours and Society at large. And never forget to Pay your Dues and Zakat.
The Multi-purpose Islamic still under construction has the capacity to accommodate over 2000 audience at a time with many modern facilities including Construction of Multi-purpose Islamic Center TCIU
Successful Stories
Committed To Providing The BestONGOING Projects
Committed To Providing The BestNew National Secretariat in Lagos
New National Secretariat in Lagos
Entrepreneurial Skills Development
Entrepreneurial Skills Development
Empowerment of Muslim Scholars
Empowerment of Muslim Scholars
Encouragement of Authorship
Encouragement of Authorship
Public School Rehabilitation
Public School Rehabilitation
Visitation to Needy Homes and Prisoners
Visitation to Needy Homes and Prisoners
Strategic Social Outreach
Strategic Social Outreach
Upcoming Events
Charity Updates